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Guide To How SOCSO Provide Social Security To Workers In Malaysia

SOCSO also provides protection against unemployment.


Many countries have social security programmes to provide individuals or their dependents with healthcare and income security, typically in the event of illness, disability or death. 

In Malaysia, all employed workers are eligible to claim social security benefits through the Malaysian government’s Social Security Organisation (SOCSO). For those who’re working in Malaysia, it’s essential to know how you can benefit from SOCSO and what protections you are entitled to. 

How To Be A Registered Employee With SOCSO  

Ensure that your employer has helped you register you as a member of SOCSO. In Malaysia, all employers that hire one or more employees are required to register their workers with SOCSO.  

Once registered, you will make monthly contributions to SOCSO that will be deducted from your salary. Your employer will also make monthly contributions to SOCSO. The SOCSO contribution amount varies according to salary range.    

Both employers and employees need to make monthly contributions at the following rates. 

Coverage  Contribution Rate  
First Category (employees aged 60)   Second Category (employees aged 60 or new employees that reach the age of 55 with no SOCSO benefits prior) 
Workers Social Security 


Employer: 1.75%
Employee: 0.5%  
Employer: 1.25% for Employment Injury Scheme only 


Coverage  Contribution Rate (employees aged 18 to 60 except new employees who reach the age of 57 with no prior SOCSO benefit)  
Employment Insurance System (EIS)  Employer: 0.2% 
Employee: 0.2% 

 You may check the contribution amount of both employer and employee in your salary payslip. 

Read Also: EPF, SOCSO, EIS, MTD: Understanding Your Payslip As An Employee In Malaysia

Types Of Protections Provided By SOCSO 

SOCSO generally provides two types of protection to workers: healthcare and income security. 

  • Coverage of the Workers Social Security Act 1969
       Employment Injury Scheme
        Invalidity Scheme 
  • Coverage of the Employment Insurance System Act 2017 

Types Of SOCSO Benefits 

There are several types of SOCSO benefits which you can claim in different situations. 

Type of Protection  Coverage  Benefits 
Employment Injury Scheme   

  • Accident at work 
  • Accident caused by emergencies at work 
  • Accident while traveling to and fro work, during work or at work trips 
  • Occupational diseases 


  • Medical benefit including free treatment at SOCSO panel clinics or public hospitals and expenses claim incurred from getting treatment. 
  • Temporary Disablement Benefit to employees on medical leave for no less than 4 days. A daily benefit of 80% of average assumed daily salary is paid. 
  • Daily Permanent Disablement Benefit of 90% of average daily assumed salary to employees. 
  • RM500 monthly constant care allowance to worker with total permanent disablement.    
  • Physical and vocational rehabilitation. 
  • Dependent’s benefit of 90% of daily assumed average salary in the event of death. 
  • Funeral benefit in the actual amount incurred or RM2,000, whichever is lower, to employees who died due to work injuries or have been receiving permanent disablement benefit. 
  • Education loan to dependent child of worker who died from due to work injuries or have been receiving permanent disablement benefit.
    *Do note that there are caps for some benefit payouts. 
Invalidity Scheme  Invalidity or death due to causes outside of work 
  • Invalidity pension of 50 –65% of average assumed monthly salary to eligible workers certified as invalid. 
  • Invalidity grant to employees who are certified invalid but not eligible for invalidity pension. 
  • RM500 monthly constant care allowance to worker certified as invalid. 
  • Survivor’s pension of 50 – 65% of average assumed monthly salary to eligible dependents of worker who died. 
  • Physical and Vocational Rehabilitation and Dialysis. 
  • Funeral benefit in the actual amount incurred or RM2,000, whichever is lower, to employees who died. 
  • Education loan to eligible dependent child of an insured worker who died or receives invalidity pension.
    *Do note that there are caps for some benefit payouts. 
Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS)  Loss of job due to: 

  • Retrenchment. 
  • Voluntary/Mutual separation schemes (VSS/MSS). 
  • Closure of workplace due to natural disasters (force majeure). 
  • Bankruptcy or closure of the business. 
  • Constructive dismissal. 
  • Resignation due to sexual harassment or threats made in the workplace. 
  • Resignation after being ordered to perform dangerous duties that are not within the job scope. 
  • Job search allowance (JSA) for 3 – 6 months. 
  • Reduced income allowance for those who have several incomes and lost one or more than the incomes. 
  • Early re-employment allowance worth 25% of JSA to SOCSO member who gets rehired while receiving JSA. 
  • Training allowance and fee. 

Source: (SOCSO)

Other SOCSO Services You’re Eligible To 

Aside from providing social security to SOCSO members, SOCSO also offers employment-related services. These include career guidance, reskilling and job matching services through MYFutureJobs. MYFutureJobs also conduct physical career fairs throughout the country.   

Read Also: Malaysia Car Insurance: The Types Of Policies And What Is Sufficient Coverage


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